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Asked Questions

We follow a communicative methodology with special emphasis on improving the student’s oral ability. Grammar and the four skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are all covered in their academic studies.

Students must be 11 years old at the time of arrival to join our Summer School programme.

No, this is not possible. We must be consistent, so all students must be within the published age range.

There are no formal examinations at the end of the course.

Each student has an electronic report sent home which gives information on their progress during their time with us.  Students are also awarded a Certificate of Attendance before departure and there are subject awards presented at the prize-giving ceremony held at the end of the course.

Yes, we are a registered sponsor with UK Visas and Immigration. Our letter of acceptance and our visa support letter will assist in an application for a visitor visa. Please find further details about Visas and Entry to the UK here.

Yes, please visit our pre-arrival page for further details on getting to Concord College.

Yes, please see details of our varied Activity and Social Programme here.

Information on the accommodation that we offer can be found here.

Yes, we are able to cater for special diets provided that we have been made aware of the requirement in advance. Please find further information about the dining experience here.

We supply all bed linen and this is changed on a weekly basis.  We do not supply towels, so you will need to bring your own.  There is a free weekly laundry service for clothes and towels.  Laundry is collected on a designated day and returned later the same day.

Details of what to pack can be found here. There is a laundry service once a week and clothes are cleaned and returned on the same day so you only need to have enough clothes for just over one week.

Yes. Following receipt of your £500 deposit, you will be covered by our group travel insurance. Details of our international insurance can be found here. We strongly recommend that you check the cover for more details and ensure the benefits meet your requirements.

Concord College cannot be held responsible for any damage to or loss of personal belongings.

You can make a request to the Summer Course office which will be noted. Our accommodation is strictly separated by boys and girls and ages. We have no double rooms, all our rooms are single occupancy only. We will try to place friends in the same residence and corridor if they are of the same gender and similar age.

Yes, we welcome day students to join our Summer School programme. Please contact the Summer School team at [email protected] for further information.

We would recommend an amount of £50-£100 per week. Students are welcome to bring pocket money with them and will be responsible for looking after it. All students have safes in their rooms which they can use to keep their funds secure. Alternatively, parents should transfer their child’s pocket money prior to the start of the course – with the course fees or as a separate transfer. The money will then be held in the student account and can be ‘withdrawn’ when the college bank is open twice a week.


We do not recommend that children stay for both sessions. If they choose to, they will need to select different academic subjects for each session. Furthermore, please note that the social programme and excursions will remain the same across both sessions. The child will not be able to stay for the period between courses so families will need to make alternative arrangements.