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Finance, Accounting and Business with Management


EFAB-M is a high-level summer programme, featuring world-class lecturers in economics, finance, accounting, business and management. For students who want to study any of these courses at university, this will be an extensive preparation run by lecturers from top universities in their field and inspirational business leaders.

Possible themes and lectures may include:

– International business

– Sustainable accounting

– Demystifying and understanding the relationship between concepts such as trade and business

– The economics of migration

– How to reach your entrepreneurial ambitions

– A two-week online course run by university lecturers and academic tutorial staff.

– In an online format to enable students to learn from all corners of the globe and spend their holidays at home.

– A seamless online course delivery with a mixture of pre-recorded and live content, tailored to fit in with a range of time zones including Europe and Asia.

– A personal academic tutor to guide you through the course and support you in your learning journey.

– Gain invaluable and first-hand knowledge of the diverse specialisms of the component subjects.

– An opportunity to try out all of these related, commercial subjects to understand which is the best degree path.

– Training on personal statement and individualised feedback from university lecturers on how to optimise it to maximise their chances of getting into their top university.

– A practice university interview and feedback.


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