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of Students & Safeguarding

We understand that being away from home can be a very big step for both parent and child and, as a result, we want to ensure that all students feel at home throughout their time at Concord. We ensure that all students feel safe and cared for whilst in our charge and we pride ourselves on the care of students, following our robust safeguarding policies and procedures.

Safeguarding & Pastoral Team
Concord has a Safeguarding Policy in line with the UK Government statutory guidance and it is reviewed regularly. Our Safeguarding Team deal with all issues relating to student welfare from homesickness to health and wellbeing. The teamwork with other staff (teachers, boarding parents, activity staff, domestic staff) to monitor students closely, and intervene quickly to provide appropriate care. This may be a buddy system, a talking service such as independent listener or counsellor, or a referral to the medical team.

Medical Centre
We have a purpose-built Medical Centre with a team of qualified nurses who:

  • facilitate the access to medication
  • administer UK medication only
  • help any student feeling unwell
  • provide first aid

Whilst there is no charge to be seen by the College nurse, there may be charges incurred by students from certain countries for NHS hospital treatment. We provide insurance for all students (travel & medical) but recommend this is checked before travelling to ensure it meets individual requirements.